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  • Pineal, Calcification and Geometry

    The Pineal is a gland that reads Light – a capitol L, describing Light that is encoded with ‘information’ This informs your consciousness of the reality it is reading – any geometry holds programs, and so if the Pineal is decoding information that is influenced, filtered through or overlaid with a geometry, that geometry will effect your read of the reality and consequently your experience of it I wouldn’t be worrying about decalcifying (the current distraction in the zeitgeist) – I’d worry about what is influencing its function, what has been inserted or overlaid to change / effect the lens I’m looking through and determining my read of the reality Along with Essence connection, this is the other thing I always do in a session, liberate the Pineal, in as many dimensions of Self you can connect with and embody, decommissioning any consequences or killshots for the liberation on the way Liberating your Pineal, gives you access to a clear read on what is going on; embodying Essence (you all the way back to Source, all your incarnations and experiences, gifts talents and wisdom) will reconnect you with your intuition through the language of feeling – uniting both you can make informed decisions and be potent in effecting the realities you choose to energise and interact with Ankh em MAAT V

  • Transmission and Receiver

    For each transmission, there must be a receiver. If the Construct holds the Matrix mindset, then who or what is broadcasting this mindset? What is its frequency? What within you responded to or located this frequency? Feel into your glands, organs, physical and etheric structure – what is receiving / responding to this signal? See sense feel the hardware, software and geometries that are entangled and engaged with this dynamic and from the embodiment of Essence, remove it – including all contracts agreements allowances, ancestral karmas and agreements, both conscious and unconsciously entered into all fine print, caveats, kill shots and consequences for removal are cancelled, null and void, invalidated for, in and of, all bodies and consciousness, all dimensions, all points in time on all timelines and time tracks and Lineages upgrade and regenerate with the optimum functioning blueprint from Essence with the antidote neutralize immunize of MU – regeneration rejuvenation of RA sovereignty in action, creating your own experience of the reality.

  • Visualisation vs Embodiment Emotion vs Feeling

    People throw around these words and concepts, but lets just break it down and sort the real from the no age bullshit Lets start with the latter... Emotion is a reaction triggered by your response to what the brain perceives. Be it a person, place, situation, it is a learned response that is built up over time and thus ‘programmed’. The same stimulus builds intensity so the emotional reaction can be triggered, engineered to elicit response and retort. (I go to my ‘happy place’, that makes me depressed’ etc) Visualisation is a function from the brain. Based on the boundaries and limitation of what has gone before, what we ‘know’ or have ‘seen’. It uses limited senses and is fuelled by emotional reaction, usually born of ‘want’ or ‘lack’. Feeling is a consciousness, a timeless knowing that holds depth and dimension, containing all possibilities Feeling has integrity, it is the origin of inspiration and is a direct communication from Essence (you all the way back to Source, the sum total of all your experience wisdom, all your ‘lives’ and incarnations) When you embody this feeling - ground it into and radiate it from every cell of your Being, you are now rocking the frequency to create an experience of reality that reflects that – as within so without Embodiment engages all the senses, and fuelled by feeling and unlimited possibilities, the scope of your desire has an opportunity to be fully realised – bigger and better than you could have ‘imagined’ using the limited scope of the brain. It may take a little practice to discern the difference between emotional reaction and feeling – sometimes old paradigms die hard, however it is an art and it can be mastered. Expect surprises! I have created an experiential to get you in to Essence, reclaiming your sovereignty, liberated from all encumbrances of embodying your creative power and rocking your innate juju This can be done online or in person here at Retreats Byron Bay, in private session or overnight stay. Message me to enquire #visualisation #embodiment #feelingsandemotion #juju #experientials #creationprincipals

  • 2020 Definitions, updates and offerings

    I am very exacting in language. It’s the only tool of communication we have until our INNER NET kicks in I notice a few of the words I use being employed in communication online, so Id like to give you clarity on the definitions I have when I use those words. These words have been curated over years of experience wisdom defining and transmitting precisely the desired meaning and application, I invite you to read them and see how they resonate for you ESSENCE: I use this describing YOU all the way back to Source All your incarnations, experiences wisdom gained both in and out of the Construct Think of Essence as the filing cabinet and each Dimension of Self (dreaming) as a file and you can have more than one file open and active at once. DIMENSIONS OF SELF AND DIMENSIONS OF DREAMING The Primary Dreamer is able to dream, power and sustain a reality. A primary dreamer of MU can create and dream more than one reality simultaneously; we call these Dimensions of Dreaming and the Self-experiencing it, a Dimension of Self (passed off in the Matrix as ‘past lives’ ‘timelines’ ‘reincarnation’) (The Matrix is the mindset of the Construct. The Construct is the structure that holds the Matrix) All the Dimensions of Self can be accessed through Essence (you, all the way back to Source) as you embody Essence; you have access to the gifts, talents, knowledge and experience wisdom of each and all of these Dimensions of Self and their Dreaming You can also liberate these expressions of Self of co-opts, imbalance, dysfunctional relationship dynamics, mirror inversion spells any and all fuckery that you are experiencing in that dreaming, is effecting you in the here and now LINEAGE Essence or Soul Lineage: is the Experience of you all the way back to Source. All your incarnations, all your expressions, experience wisdom, all the ‘lives’ in or out of the Matrix. Lineage Initiation: may be an initiation, training or teaching, into a Collective, because you can reach and maintain a specific mastery of frequency Eg: initiated into the Lineage/teachings/frequencies of the Sekhmets DNA Blood Lineage: the Lineage that your physical expression holds, the experience wisdom and ancestral karmas, contracts and connections that makes up your blood, DNA, skin hair etc IF you want to have an authentic experience of these things – I am available for sessions both online and in person in the Byron Bay hinterland  (we have a retreat facility here – you can stay over night and included in the package is a session If you want to embody Essence, liberate your memories, reclaiming your wisdom, sovereignty and creative power then there are other offerings available; either through EXPERIENTIALS: or RETREATS If you REALLY want to rock your world, then commit to Consciousness Warrior Training 4 modules all killer no filler of original and unique teachings each module is offered as a retreat experience and builds on the next ​ This is not for 'weekend warriors' It is for someone who is committed to Self, ready to take responsibility for their experience of reality And embody the opening seed of their infinite potential. The Dragon heals the original spell that separates Life Force and compartmentalises consciousness the following is how the rest of the modules fit together: There is an illness  / directive / fuckery released in to the Construct the Seer: identifies it / the virus / the program / the fuckery the Healer; eradicates it (From all dimensions of Self and Dreaming) the Warrior: reverse engineers and reprograms it (and can confer the updated codes to Lineage) IF any of this peaks your curiosity join my mailing list on either or and you will get a free PDF of the Mythos of MU all about our origins as I remember it or you can purchase Galactic Memoirs about how the reality came to be what it is, the players etc xxx V

  • Its not about us leaving the Matrix, its about the Matrix leaving us!

    in the end, it won't be Light and Dark or integrating the two - it will be simply about organic, with a direct Source connection, in integrity, pro-life or inorganic, with no Source connection anti-life COSMIC CURRENTS SPRING: its not about us leaving the Matrix its about the Matrix leaving us VLOG Organic No timeline who what when where? • 3 Earths? • organics innately connected with Life Force Source connection • polarity / integraton / who are we integrating? • organic, pro-life – inorganic anti-life • LCs work with a direct Source connection • A10’s off planet connecting to MU’s organic (no)timeline • as the consciousness invasion leaves, where do we all end up? • Djinn WTF: • defining non-creational • Mandela Effect on the Emoto work example: • geometries defining the crystalline structure is fading • what do you energise in practice (not theory?) • if it collapsed this afternoon, are you ready? • everyone wants out of the Matrix – how about getting the Matrix out of here • reclaim your land and kick them out Organic (no)timeline Experience Wisdom • Referring to my recent experience materialising on the organic notimeline • what will it be like to experience without the Matrix without control and domination • learning through inspiration not conflict • losing the Matrix concepts and programs, eg: fears, dogma etc • holding space as a facilitation • if they haven’t reached the frequency can they take you there? • holding space till the training wheels come off • push or pull – you are on the path or not • more about my experience on the Organic (no)timeline • everything has presence and symbiosis, all belongs • my desire to go there has made a difference • leaving is still in flux, preparing, but not necessarily forward movement Integrity and Co-opting • we have life regardless, the inorganics don’t • out of integrity invites corruption Defining Integrity • The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles: • The state of being whole and undivided • The condition of being unified or sound in construction • Internal consistency or lack of corruption in electronic data: • psychic shock is wearing off – truth comes from embodiment • consistency is the key • Embodying Essence in integrity - pro life works with symbiosis • the ‘integration planet’ a trap of consciousness playing on our sentiment • it comes back to organic v’s inorganic • its all over this afternoon, are you ready? #Experiencesontheorganicnotimeline #IntegrityandCoopting #3earths #definingintegrity #MandelaEffectandEmotosWork #TheDryadbyEmilyBalivet

  • The Fibonacci Timeloop Hypothesis

    Hypothesis • organic (no)timeline A11 developing • A10's from other seedings come here • A10's off planet become involved with the Archon agenda • A11 neophytes with big egos invite in these A10 off planet Archon connected fuckers here and we have the breach • About 200 years ago they bomb the place and tilt MU, installing a MerKaBa and subsequent fuckery ensues • MU knows this and the consciousness warriors do too and begin to take measures • These fuckers keep doing it - Philadelphia experiment, Montauk experiment again in 2012 etc to KEEP US IN THE TIME LOOP MERKABA (how many times have we said shit from 12 months ago, now 6 months ago revisiting, yet without the same attachment because we have been working on clearing the emotional charge/attachment ) Is it a Fibonacci sequence gone wrong? (A10 is Anthropos10, the Human DNA template A11 is Anthropos11 the Human DNA Template that developed on and with MU) The consciousness invasion is more detailed in my memoirs, but this isn't a bad place to start CLICK HERE for the latest Cosmic Currents VLOG The Fibonacci Timeloop Hypothosis • Hathors whos who and whats what • used to anchor and run the Venus construct • sound became weaponised • the Hypothesis • Anthropos10 and Anthropos11 human DNA template • Fibonacci time loop • dejavu – been here Essence clues? • the Philadelphia experiment • the Russian tree Video and the planet being strip mined • the Matrix capture – what besides emotions are they harvesting? • compartmentals falling away • Fringe shows us • the Philadelpjhia experiment a cloaking device? Or Beginnings in Atlantis • clone MU? • using MU’s DNA to clone a planet • its more than just our emotions they are harvesting • to BLueBeards video more Philadelphia experiment • the Spine holds so much • whatever language we use we are stuck – what makes us stuck • Emoto crystals further disintegrations • as the structures holding the magnetics fade, so do the constructs the ‘Plugectomy’ • an id that holds your ‘Akashic Record’ the Matrix ‘dossier’ on you • took with it a lot of compartmentalisation and generic health eg: aging reversal • zero point • if you come across geometries around you, dismantle them • Flower of Life is the Daisy of Death • Metatrons Cube IS fuckery… • Star Tetrahedron running certain factions Yahwey • Different geometries belong to different factions • 5 pointed Star Venus/Saturn • what will zero point look like? What will instigate it? • The Egyptain dreaming is inserted into the reality in several dreamings as a portal and an anchor to reinforce the dogma • how the hologram becomes solid • integrity needed to embody • symbiosis with MU a smother ride than being disconnected from Her • neuclear bombs ‘testing’ • Do A10. Have the same connection to MU as A11? • Context of the memory opens with consciousness • PAAS – Pineal as a Stargate #Plugectomy #Philadelphiaexperiment #FibonacciTimeloop #dejavu

  • Cosmology of MU: Dreaming Simultaneous Realities and the Mandela Effect

    Just as we have (simultaneous) Dimensions of Dreaming, so too does MU, after all, we are created in HER image When we connect with the Essence of MU we are in exchange with a living organic Creator Being, an Aeon, the Goddess incarnate. If we use the same approach and connect with Gaia, we are feeling a counterfeit frequency, an inorganic construct, same with Sophia and again with Mother Earth - all varying degrees of false Light (Light as in information, information that we use to manifest the Reality) I say we because I am not the only one to have had this experience, our common link is our connection to MU and understanding of the organic (no)timeline and the Archontic inorganic construct. For some who are off planet A10's, it is their only experience of MU, through the lens and flavour of the inorganic construct, and I feel them being the most compromised at this time - knowing there is something wrong, but finding it hard to pinpoint and find their own truth, as so much of their experience here is solely through these illusory constructs. In conclusion, as MU 'uprights' or corrects HerSelf, all her compartmentalisation is dissolving and Her organic dimensions of dreaming are rising like the Phoenix from the ashes, ignition engaged. She is in charge, and I invite you to join in the ride, cause this is the most unique untried experiential in the multiverse Ankh em Maat •• Maat is like the balance of the energy dynamic, truth, justice, Ankh is Eternal Life however it involves Prana and breath, not just a symbol. you 'breathe' life into it. For me it is like a battle cry of Perpetuity, initiating LifeForce into Truth Balance and Justice COSMIC CURRENTS: Rocktober: MU Dreaming Simultaneous Realities and the Mandela Effect • JLL interview revisited • Essence of Gaia, Sophia and MU, what is the true frequency of each? • MU is an organic expression of Her Self, Panchamama is also an organic presence • A11 and Dimensions of Dreaming – create different realities simultaneously, we are created in HER image… • the Gaia construct – inorganic false Light • Sohpia construct – inorganic false Light • Panchamama is an organic expression too• as Her separations and compartmentalise leaves Her, is this an explanation for the Mandela Effect? - merging realities : diverse experience • multiple Suns and psychic shock• created in HER image • the inorganic constructs are the first to fall• inorganic are dying out • according to JLL, 2 Earths as the mitosis splits? • Light and Dark is a distraction from organic / inorganic• as MU unfurls what does She feel like? • the ‘inorganic Metals’ harnessing Her Soul Star • the ‘iron age’- what constitutes inorganic metals? • Mother Earths iron core I call BS• how could the core of anything organic be metal? • the evil in the world as the product of human imagination – a touch of the Jungs • the Archontic Virus – where is my vaccination? • it is in the mind – a consciousness invasion• connecting the Pineal to the ‘organic Light’• as MU’s compartmentalisations go, all different realities merge – Mandela effect? • organic timelines will be all that is left, any inorganic interface will go • organic A10 off planet connecting with PanchaMumma • no one is wrong, every one is telling their story • Enki / Enlil is not a creation story from the organic (no)timeline• connect with the organic Light • Planetary Tantra is RAMUtet• was MU pushed from the Pleroma? • not all A10’s are in with the Archon / Annunaki agenda • no life force for anything other than sovereign, liberated organic Life #AnkhemMaat #GaiaandSophiafalseLightconstructs #MUsdimensionsofdreaming #JLLrevisited #Panchamama #MUandtheMandela #CosmologyofMU

  • A system in every Dreaming, to Register you, Harvest you and Recycle you

    From my Galactic Memoirs... 'The major religions appear in multiple dreaming realities, reinforcing the illusion of their longevity and strength and also extending contracts made in one reality through one or more dreamings, so if they got you once, they could enforce it in participating networked Realities The New-Age and Earth based ‘religion’ when introduced, captured the imagination of organic dreamers who had dimensions of Self associated with their own direct connection to MU, in the hope of piggy backing a ride and somehow penetrating that Reality and harnessing the interface to the Elemental realm through an ignorant dreamer ‘opening themselves’ to that reality.' The cult of Isis and Osiris, the twisted Hieros Gamos (a sexual ritual that plays out a marriage between a god and a goddess, especially when enacted in a symbolic ritual where human participants represent the deities) encapsulates the fantasy of the twin flame and the power of love, deity and service. It is a indentured system to register you (your DNA and Lineage) manipulate you (the service of Deity and experiencing through you) and harvest you (capture and distribute the energy accordingly) COSMIC CURRENTS VLOG: the last of September 2016 ISIS and OSIRIS – the Harvesting Sex cult of Egypt • The Gateway cult • Isis - a sex cult using dark magics and perverting energies • redefining VIRGINS • Menstrual Blood –the frequency of which is ju ju up the yingyang a mini SOMA hit • Annunaki / the first vampire? • Magdelene – said to originate from the ISIS cult, the original sacred prostitute? • clear the seals and contracts to these actions and connections • the motivation is the direct connection to LIfeForce • once your connection to MU was established, you were allocated to your particular Elemental connection eg: water and the Delphi • with draw your energy from any co-opting on behalf of your Lineage • re-interating the connection between the Elemental Realm and Sex magic • weaponising our connection to the elemental realm • LeMURA: RAMUtet was the act of creation • AtlanRA – the act of creation became more physical • RAMUtet and the trinary – introduce another – that other can make the same connection through you • the co-opted Elemental realm is weaponsied thorugh systems like HAARP and C E R N • Isis ritual – re-enlist with the bird tribe Annunaki • Isis Thoth and Nepythys and Anubis A system register you, harvest you and recycle you • giving credibility to the hologram • in many realities it’s the same thing – a system register you, harvest you and recycle you • Egypt and the hologram credibility • Portal system for the arrivals from Orion and Sirius • A hub that holds and connects several dreamings • Reproductive issues – co-opting of the sexual energy in this and other dimensions of Self • the Mayan epoch is another ‘hub’ Embodiment and Reclaimed Sexual Energy • Removing the Seals has a noticeable physical effect • the sexual energy moves differently, has increased potency and is more accessible • the energy became nourishing, not draining • ‘an angel doesn’t make love, an angel is love’ – embodiment of the energy • the experience can be spontaneous without outside stimulus • what is the highlight, the inner experience of RAMUtet or the physical one? • the metaphysical translated to the physical • RAMUtet translated into physical experience feels like it dilutes • the metaphysical is the addiction • clearing the fuckery around sexual expression • who are the equivalents in the other religions? Archetypes • the original ‘goddess’ Archetype is MU • Archetypes and the chakra system • Archetype is how the Annunaki choose their experience system • Astrology chart and archetypes • we love More on Integrity and connection • Integrity is needed to connect and maintain • Integrity as a barometer • shooting the messenger • pulling the dragon • MU’s failsafe – you cant connect without integrity • become unpredictable Games of Entrainment • candy crush and other games of entrainment • tetris repackaged • art experienced organically or through the inorganic • the colour is tied to emotion • get an organic hobby take you out of technology #IsisandOsiris #gamesofentrainment #Archetypes #ReclaimedSexualEnergy #Egyptandthehologram #RAMUtetembodied #candycrush

  • New Experientials and Cosmic Currents November Supermoon

    The VerRAs Mystery School new experientials : Divination 101: Embodying Essence and opening to the Oracle within to the Elemental Realm–making a connection through the desired Element and reading the energies presented. Crystal Craft 101: Experientials include: connecting with the Devas , activating machine cut crystals, using the Crystal as a tool for divination, healing, recording and psychic Self defence​ Practical: cutting and consecrating your own piece with Ptah Rocks Healing 101: This is an experiential to connect you with your Essence, foster embodiment, and with that actualisation remember and embrace your innate healing ability Psychic Warfare 101: Its not necessarily about controntation, its about not beign at effect of the 'outside' realitybeing so embodied that nothing can unseat your sovereignty or harness your liberty or creative power NEW ONLINE STORE! Mini Experiential of Divination 101 to purchase and view PRIVATE SESSION: If you want something special to rock someone's world, this is the gift to purchase Preview Divination 101 • connecting with the Fire Deva as an ally • connecting with the energy without an emotional trigger • glory without the work – no go • the consciousness of animals and devas on the organic notimeline • the water molecule and how it effects the macrocosm • how the symbiosis with MU happens and how the fake sun is trying to copy it • tools as training devices DNA as a Trojan Horse • Our DNA as a trojan horse • SuperMoon and super charging • Plugectomy updates • Black boxes and the aftermath – reweaving your flow • remembering to repair and reset not just smash it up • DNA as a Trojan Horse • What has happened to our harvested DNA • Dimensions explored as bubbles of reality rather than a layer of realtiy • our Solar System and the construct and other A10 • what happens to the Solar System with an uncreational on all inorganic • why MU is special and coveted • What is it going to look like when there is nothing inorganic • reweaving your ju ju Elementals as an Ally • The Fire Elemental as an ally • Tools as training – direct consciousness link rules • Divination defined as more than reading cards… • Seeing the patterns in the chaos Crystal Craft with Adela Previewing crystal craft 101 Connecting with the Deva of the Crystal Where and how did these Devas originate Russian Tree Video #theVerasMysterySchool #experientials #Divination101 #DNAasaTrojanHorse #ElementalsasanAlly #CrystalCraft101 #Healing101 #PsychicWarfare101Experiential #ONLINEstore

  • the Annunaki from Galactic Memoirs Volume 2

    From Chapter 2, discovering the Annunaki.... Immersed in Essence, I felt the experience wisdom of my Lineage permeate my consciousness, infusing me with data from all dimensions of dreaming and realities my Essence and its various expressions of Self has experienced them in. The Annunaki are a conglomerate of races and ideologies all with the common Anthropos10 human template expression from within the RA galaxy. It was their association with the inorganic we know as Archons that was their driving force. Long ago the original core Annunaki entered into interface and symbiotic relationship with the inorganic anomaly spawned by MU’s LifeForce connecting with inorganic matter in Her descent from the centre of the Pleroma, the Archons. Devoid of a direct Source connection, organic LifeForce and thus creative power, their intent for relationship was to escape their unavoidable demise and perpetuate their finite existence, integrating with the Annunaki as a way to sustain their experience. The Annunaki, at effect of the inbuilt fallibility that hampered the success of previous Anthropos seedings, developed as a vain and narcissistic Collective. The Archons mentally deducing the desires of disenchanted initiates, enamoured them with the promise of new and exciting mental vistas and imagined power. Their experience of the reality already mostly externalised, they merged with the machine interface the Archons provided, creating with and through them, more and more externalised, more and more physical in the density of the material. The Annunaki, now harnessed harvested and directed by the parasitic entity, entered the entropy of the construct, and the subsequent atrophy of their nature emerged. The ‘outer’ projected world began to take on the characteristics of entropy and atrophy due to the merging of their creative power with the mental constructs of their Archon masters. Their LifeForce was being drained. Their direct Source connection now dwindling, almost non-existent with some, and death of the vehicle of consciousness an inevitable consequence, a new paradigm entered their Collective. Although the experience wisdom and philosophy of their mystery schools knew there was no ‘death’, the parasitic Archon consciousness hitching a ride with the Annunaki host could not fathom this, only covet it. To address this, cloning was introduced as way for the Annunaki (and the corresponding Archontic hitchhiker) to continue to experience this stream of consciousness indefinitely. This appealed to their vanity and their increasing identification with the ‘outer’ projected world, which in turn began to take on the characteristics of degradation, deterioration and disorder due to the merging of their creative power with the mental constructs of their Archon overlords. With each successive cloning, their organic LifeForce dwindled, then they too began the search for other organic LifeForms to power the construction and materialisation of their causal constructs relegated to the mental realms without the substance or to bring them to fruition and manifestation. Its no use having ideas and ideals if you cant experience them in action so Lifeforce and direct Source connection became the most sought after and valued commodity in their growing Collective. The Annunaki, now a formidable force backed by enticing and intimidating technology, had amalgamated (PR spin for invaded and conditioned conquered populace) with other Anthropos10 human template seedings throughout the RA galaxy. They considered themselves connoisseurs of consciousness, continuing their juggernaut of harnessing and harvesting Lifeforms and LifeForce for the glory and perpetuation of their species, it was becoming ‘join them voluntarily’ or face the wrath of rejection the complete Volume 2 available soon... Volume 1: #annunakiorigins #galacticmemoirsvol2

  • Killing Santa Volume 1

    Busting Myths and Memes of the no -age false Light paradigms. featuring... Astral Travelling Please no - make it stop You leave your body, travel alright - ONLY IN THE ASTRAL and while you are off exploring the BS mental realms of no substance or meaning just programming and false/fake Light fuckery the vacancy sign allows all manner of inhabitants to hitch a ride or if particularly bold, take up residence to transcend is a trap - to involute is where its at Embody Essence and let your consciousness explore from within. You never leave, you are in complete control and with discernment, remaining whole and unto your self, no unwelcome parasites From here all realms are open to you (if you can match and hold the frequency ) and you are safe from compromise see you in the dreaming groovers x Killings Santas Volume1 • Astral Travelling • We are one! • Ascension • Gaia, Sophia, Mother Earth the constructs • Intention • the Shadow • Channeling • Ayahausca • Dimensions • RA #KillingSantaVol1 #AstralTravelling #Ascension #theconstructs #Intention #theShadow #Channelling #Ayahausca #Dimensions

  • Context Expanding

    I keep a journal, which I write or draw in more often then not I began to write again today and went back to the same time Jan 2 last year. What was interesting were the insights, desires and subsequent intentions of that writing and what I have materialised within the ‘time’ to now. The way Essence has delivered it all bigger and better than my limited brain could have envisaged. Gold has been re reading the downloads and now with greater embodiment, expanded consciousness and the gift of hindsight the context for my experience has expanded Ankh em Maat see you in the dreaming Context Expanding Transmissions in Consciousness: Original Art Mixed Medium on Black Sugar Paper in Frameless Glass A3 size #ContextExpanding #OriginalArt

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