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  • Cosmic Currents May 2021

    COSMIC CURRENTS MAY 2021 Shooting the Shiznay with Tereza about memory, MAAT, sigils and more VIDEO ONE: Annunaki and MAAT Shout out to Mick! Why do you do these videos? Feedback and benefits… cut and paste : please credit where you got it from have the respect to let them know where YOU got it from no integrity : no entry to Essence Annunaki – Coveting is a flag, so is asking you to clean up the MMAT they made cutting and pasting, acting without integrity at the core of it all is consciousness #iofra #consciousness #integrity #Essence #cutandpaste #lineage #MAAT #annunaki #meditation #plagiarism VIDEO TWO: Consciousness and Memory memory manipulation consciousness is the blueprint for everything consciousness rules the template mandela effect / several realities, timelines merging implanted memories have a different feel memories are locked in with emotional reaction #iofra #consciousness #realities #Essence #memory #implantedmemory #meditation #mandelaeffect #greenscreen VIDEO THREE: Sigils Symbols and Juju shout out to Michelle, and deck of RA curves are a different way of creating working with a sigil, the how to pre-programmed geometries and the pitfalls runes of RA: a magical artefact! #iofra #consciousness #floweroflife #geometry #sigil #symbol #Essence #original #magicalartifact #runes #oracledeck #juju VIDEO 4: Imprinting Water defining ‘imprinting’ and imprinting water re-experiencing water from Essence EMFs and the water of the body water carries codes and memory Creating with consciousness (unlimited) vs mind (limitation) Make the creative catalyst behind the Elements your bitch #iofra #consciousness #meditation #hologram #trippy #mushroomsonmars #planetoid #darkroom #pineal #Light #perspective #imprint #imprintwater #graduation #consciousnesswarrior #elements #water #codes

  • Cosmic Currents Autumn 2021 • Commitment to Self • Forum • Handlers

    Cosmic Currents Autumnal theme: Commitment to Self I was a bit shocked when I checked in with my commitment to Self - it must be100% ride or die, nothing else is acceptable. If you are not 100% committed to your Self, the job, the project the relationship etc, you will get the same in return (and wonder why something never takes off / works / satisfies) The FORUM: the call has gone out for 12 peeps to join me in the forum RETURN to AVALLON Joining this closed dreaming will give you access to the Forum for disscussion and dissertations, a monthly DARK MOON ONLINE experiential and a PDF of Galactic Memoirs If this feels like its calling you, then get in touch! Handlers - we have several videos and writings on this already, however the topic seems pertinent to the now so here it is: The Handler keeps you in reaction Flags include: Gaslighting: the person makes you question yourself Unaccountable the Carrot Distraction Stability / Instability sense of obligation / duty / inevitability / ‘fated’ A handler can be a lover, friend, family – person / place / situation you can be your own handler! YOUR EGO IS YOUR HANDLER because if you stay in the victim of being handled, you will never attain mastery - mastery is all about CLAIMING, and that claiming is your power / sovereignty / innate knowing and then in embodying that, all that shit falls away its something you can control / do because its you about you - the ultimate in responsibility which of course makes it the most powerful thing you can do for yourself - back to Commitment to Self Go to and put ‘handlers’ into the search and you will see other essays and videos with information and experience wisdom on this subject Ankh em MAAT x V

  • Join us Online for Monthly Intensives and FORUM!

    Join with kindred in common unity and consciousness alignment here at I of RA. Participate in our forum, where you can exchange ideas, ask questions and deep dive into cosmic currents and topics of curiosity plus take the journey of our monthly intensives CLAIM EMBODY RADIATE and Return to Avallon ONLINE with others as you build conscious connection and community RETURN TO AVALLON Online Experiential Gathering and Forum The sisterhood I am referring to is a symbiosis of Essence aligned organic groovers all living and radiating confidence, authenticity and mutual respect, trusting the support they are giving is appreciated and reciprocated freely, unencumbered by false allegiance and implied duty Each ONLINE will begin with the Essence experience and clearing anything in the way of full connection it will continue with an experiential to open the enquiry of focus and then the magic happens as the group dynamic interacts, the uploadsdownloadsreloads commence, and the cognition and upgrades integrate the Recording will be available if you missed it. (although I recommend attendance) As you work through the process, you have the forum to keep you accountable, witness and engage with as you discuss your current field your discoveries, pondering and questions, continutiing heal the dynamic with Self, the Sacred and the Sisterhood and have the forum to continue our connection and community for daily exchange the forum will be open for discussion as soon as you join EMAIL me: to become a part of this SUBSCRIBE: $55 per month cancel anytime, no refunds for partial month cancellation I put a monetary exchange to this because I will commit to these experientials and online presence 100% and people who work with me always see change and upgrades Also, I wanted only others committed to their sovereignty, liberation and embodying their creative power, to grow a community and feel safe in exchange with others of like consciousness and ideals - no hangers on, drains or peeps here to troll - this is a contained environment for you to connect and thrive in EMAIL me to join, connect or question ANKH em MAAT x V

  • Let me be clear on Sisterhood

    Let me be clear here on SISTERHOOD I am talking about mutual respect – not some faux BS ritual or rite to link you through ties to fuck knows what or whom. One of my Goddess Lite ‘refugees’ was at effect using blood – the workshop she attended was to take back the power of her menstrual blood had them linking and processing their blood in vials on the altar ever since she was at effect of the collective ‘karma’ of the group as well as their dysfunction and depression she took that blood vial to other women’s workshops and placed it on their altar and so linked those participants and experience to the previous ritual Its like contagion! the sisterhood I am referring to is a symbiosis of Essence aligned organic groovers all living and radiating confidence, authenticity and mutual respect, trusting the support they are giving is appreciated and reciprocated freely, unencumbered by false allegiance and implied duty Return to Avallon Igniting your relationship to the Sacred, the Sisterhood and the Self One day experiential in the Byron Hinterland or WEEKEND Retreat (Deeper Immersion)

  • Return to Avallon

    RETURN TO AVALLON Igniting your relationship to the Sacred, the Sisterhood and the Self The Lore of the Goddess Mysteries were passed through Lineage initiation which in turn travelled home with the ‘graduates’ and spread the juju around Europe and the globe Be it AVALLON in Burgundy France or the AVALON of Britain, the common themes of the Sacred and Divine Feminine united them in frequency and lineage. Sit circle with us again Awaken knowings and Heal hurts Renew and recommit to your path of honouring the Goddess and celebrating the Self We begin early and end around dusk You will enjoy delicious plantbased cuisine from Alive and Wild Plantgasm, immersed in the flora and fauna of the magical Byron Hinterland undertaking this sacred experience To ignite this adventure in consciousness,You will be initiated into Essence (Essence is YOU, your Consciousness all the way back to Source All your incarnations, experience wisdom, gifts and Talents) This will Liberate your memories (and you, from any previous initiations not Essence aligned) Giving you access to claim your creative power - Sovereignty in Action You will receive a custom cut crystal to record your experience in which we will install a deva from or aligned with your Lineage come alone, bring a friend gather your gals and create this opportunity as a shared experience for your Circle Text: 0412400085 or email: to book your preferred day / date WEEKEND Retreat (Deeper Immersion) A weekend of nature, nurture and connection with Essence, lineage, experience wisdom and authentic sisterhood in the Hinterland of Byron Bay you choose the date that suits you NOW AVAILABLE as a 90minute experiential here at CasaVeras or ONLINE! you choose your level of engagement at your preferred time and date From Galactic Memoirs 2, the inspiration for this retreat experiential I enter the Gaia Construct into the timeline of the 6oo’s Burgundy France. I am born into the family del Acqs, part of a new breed of aristocrat emerging as a result of a renaissance suddenly flourishing in Europe, alongside the rise of Rome. Celebrated for the clan’s unique forte rather than bloodline, it was no longer a matter of birth status, rather it was the abilities and power that now conveyed standing and prestige in this dimension of dreaming. You didn’t have to be born into the ‘right’ or ruling DNA lineage to be considered privileged or elite, if you were exceptional at what you did, it was thought to pass through the bloodline (indeed, the way the Annunaki set up incarnation within the Construct it did) and so, great ‘houses’ or lineages began to build and flourish, similar to the A11 and Djinn on the organic (no)timeline. The del Acqs were strong and sort after, in that the Essences that inhabited many of their DNA lineage corporeal vessels were A11 and Djinn from the organic (no)timeline. The Annunaki that coveted their skills were clamoring to be educated by, married to, or initiated into their mysteries, constantly trying to infiltrate and harness the energy and Essences through alliance and ritual. The del Acqs was their birth status, their power status was as the du Lacs. The name is derived from ‘Lac’ or the sap of the sacred tree they cultivated to use in ceremony, opening the consciousness to gateways and interface with the closed dreaming of the Elemental realm. The sap ranged in colour, texture and preparation. From the first blooms of liquid amber to the more matured blood red viscosity obtained from tapping the trunk of the seasoned, aging acacia; it was known amongst initiates as the Sangreal or ‘Royal Blood’, so named for the colour and the sacredness and mystery held in the blood, the DNA and Its experience wisdom. The keys, codes and accessibility to this most prized and sort after realm were gained after ritual ingestion, application or inhalation of its harvested physical expression, and the du Lacs were the guides, guardians and exclusive holders of the plant’s cultivation and its use in cures, ceremony and consciousness expansion. The del Acqs were a descent that developed their reputation and strengthened their standing through education and alliance. Those whose underwent the training and passed the subsequent initiations were automatically imbued with an expectation of character and ability that held a sense of integrity and a mysterious link to a vague but charismatic power. It was considered essential for bloodlines of standing, or even newer ones as a way to establish themselves in the hierarchy to send their daughters and sons to the island estate of Avallon, where Initiation into the mysteries was promised and a network of political and social contacts guaranteed Hope to see you here and in the dreaming Ankh em MAAT V x

  • Goddess Lite

    This blog post is dedicated to all those women who have come to me to take back their power and disentangle themselves - bravo to your bravery and commitment to Self xx It’s a phenomenon I have come to recognise and name, Goddess Lite An indeterminate age group but the demographic is calling on the ancient ties of contract and agreement; relying on the depth of longing for connection of organic beings suffering the original spell separating lifeforce and compartmentalising consciousness to be vulnerable in their isolation and loneliness. They usually have a great social media following (bought and paid for?) and they say all the right things – join us and find sisterhood, reclaim the feminine sacred and divinity and of course the prerequisite: empowerment with a few embodiments thrown in They look great! They wave their arms around and chant and look generally ecstatic and have excellent #instawoke hashtags and memes They draw on disciplines and doctrines appropriating from many different cultures. They mix and match till they come up with something ‘original’ (subtext: cut and paste from many courses they have done and amalgamate it into something ‘new’ and unique’ as their own) Nothing is original, nothing is new and they have no real idea the context of or more importantly who / what is the recipient of the juju or the energy accessed and created during the rites and rituals they are replicating, let alone the effect of mixing them all together. Lots of peak experiences with no substance or integration, nor the power and ground to hold it They also know how to and are most successful in their ability to monetize this. (and if you join them again, you can pay them to learn how too) I mean B R A V O! I respect the hustle, everyone has the right to express themselves and receive exchange for their creation and ideas in action. It works for me because I have a steady stream of ‘refugees’ from their retreats and promised sovereignty through financial freedom programs. Disillusioned and broken, needing to recover from exposure to such groups, I love them because their dedication to that longing for truth is what gets them to me. They got enamoured by the elevator pitch, by a truth igniting them, however giving credit by association to the subsequent half truths and lies that accompany the initial fire and recognition of something tangible in their search are only revealed later as they delve further into the labyrinth and consequently down the rabbit hole. When we work together, one of the first things I address is the emotional charge of guilt blame and shame locking in the association. Then the disappointment and anger at self for being gullible and trusting, used and abused, and then ultimately their betrayal of their truth because their intuition was flagging it but their longing for connection and experience over rode it. I disconnect them from initiations not Essence aligned, remove programs and harvesting from implanted and overlaid geometries they have unwittingly installed or allowed to take hold while be introduced and inducted to Goddesses and Entities that claim divinity, absolution and power in exchange for ‘merging’ or inviting them to inhabit the vessel, or dedication of their juju (generally to service a hidden agenda or cause) When these women connect with and begin to embody Essence, the dynamic changes and they become their own reference and author. The search ‘outside’ is over and the integrity of within is recognised as a preferred medium of experience and reliable information. The potentials they instinctively knew they had are now accessible and possible, and their relationships reflect this honouring and respect. They remember and reclaim lineage (in all its forms) and that satiates the need for belonging and restoring the sacred. Let me reiterate – there is truth out there and there are women and groups doing incredible amazing and genuine work – this is NOT or whom I am referring to. I am referring to the ones who claim a lot but don’t deliver, who keep you hooked and paying and you keep going because you feel worse than when you started being gaslighted into believing ‘that is the process’ and you are in resistance and avoidance and not ‘owning’ your shit. Trust your instincts and follow them – or come to me if you are feeling lost and disconnected. I’m not interested in giving you dogma and tenet, just reminding you how to ‘drive the car’ and come to your own conclusions. Ankh em MAAT V artist unknown but appreciated x video I did earlier this year that compliments this essay

  • E vs e Your mind is not your consciousness

    E vs e - Your mind is not your Consciousness The definition of an organic being is that it has a direct connection to Source, Prima Materia manifesting as ‘Lifeforce’. This Lifeforce is directed by consciousness – this is what I am referring to when I speak of ‘Essence’. Your Essence is all your experience and accumulated wisdom, all you have done, been and all your potentials, your consciousness – all the way back to Source I notice in the zeitgeist the emerging use of ‘e’ for essence as opposed to the respectful title of capitol E, Essence (naming you / your consciousness all the way back to Source.) I thought it was just an oversight of their spelling / grammar but I realised its because they are not making a Consciousness connection, they are using the mind! They will ‘ignite your essence’ or ‘embody essence’ – whatever – but what they are really doing is taking your mind to experience your Lifeforce. That sounds the same right? Hell to the NOOOO Your mind is not your Consciousness. Your mind is programmed to catalogue analyse and collate experience, it is a participant. In its analysis, it will illicit emotional reaction based on its catalogue of previous experience, creating a static charge that locks you into / replays and builds on that dynamic. Your mind, fabulous as it is, is programmed by a reality that has inbuilt entropy and atrophy, aging, fear and dis-ease. When you take this mind and join it with the little e ‘essence’– you are imprinting this programing on your Lifeforce – indeed embody that! Your Consciousness is neutral, both the observer and the observed. It is eternal, limitless and contains your unique and invaluable experience wisdom. By embodying this, you will change / reset your body, mind and emotional reactions liberating it from the false Light and limitations of the mind, Your Lifeforce is now instructed by something with eternal wisdom and no limitation. You have full access to your creative power. In this integrity, you are non-reactive freeing yourself of mental and emotional traps draining and straining your experience - it’s the ultimate in sovereignty and anti aging! So when someone speaks of essence with a little ’e’ in my experience they are essentially referring to the mind/LifeForce and if they are promising to ‘ignite’ it or whatever, intentionally or not, they are recommitting your Lifeforce to the programmed mind – throw in a few geometries, binding the corresponding seals – your ‘woke’ just got reappropriated Ankh em MAAT V

  • Claim Embody Radiate Cosmic Currents Spring 2020

    When many people have a consciousness uploaddownloadreload, the realise that Source is within them In fact IT ALWAYS HAS BEEEN So why do they cling to ‘separation from Source’ ? why do they cling to that old chestnut like somehow their connection is severed? When describing Essence – let me expand and include the definition from my book, Galactic Memoirs Volume 1: ''Source decides to experience itself so it projects a piece of itself into reality – that beam of Light (information) continues to radiate from Source and accumulate experience – this is Essence – YOU ALL THE WAY BACK TO SOURCE" The connection is and has always been there - the problem is the original spell separating life force and compartmentalising consciousness – THAT is what needs to be cognized and liberated When I activate ‘the dragon’ initiation it heals the original spell FOR ALL BODIES, ALL DIMENSIONS IN ALL POINTS OF TIME and the act of riding continues to repair and regenerate to wholeness ☥ restoring sovereignty (clearing all the spells, inversions, contracts etc) ☥ liberation (clearing all seals, sigils and runes) ☥ reclaiming your creative power (learning to embody this juju and be effective in the reality) • closing timelines and time-tracks best be damn sure you are done – you cant close the timeline and then send them an email two weeks later saying hi • the attractor factor don’t pull it to you – you are magnetising it from a place of want and need and it comes but where the holes are, the wrong juju gets in find the frequency of the desire you want – radiate it and let that be the beacon of like that attracts like • calling in a deity for ‘help’ or to use their juju – no such thing as a free lunch • Consciousness is where the real battle is fought and won – 5G is just another frequency – hack it and let your OWN juju ride and rewrite Go to for all the ways to experience Essence and embody all you are the VLOG video that accompanies this xx V

  • Pineal, Calcification and Geometry

    The Pineal is a gland that reads Light – a capitol L, describing Light that is encoded with ‘information’ This informs your consciousness of the reality it is reading – any geometry holds programs, and so if the Pineal is decoding information that is influenced, filtered through or overlaid with a geometry, that geometry will effect your read of the reality and consequently your experience of it I wouldn’t be worrying about decalcifying (the current distraction in the zeitgeist) – I’d worry about what is influencing its function, what has been inserted or overlaid to change / effect the lens I’m looking through and determining my read of the reality Along with Essence connection, this is the other thing I always do in a session, liberate the Pineal, in as many dimensions of Self you can connect with and embody, decommissioning any consequences or killshots for the liberation on the way Liberating your Pineal, gives you access to a clear read on what is going on; embodying Essence (you all the way back to Source, all your incarnations and experiences, gifts talents and wisdom) will reconnect you with your intuition through the language of feeling – uniting both you can make informed decisions and be potent in effecting the realities you choose to energise and interact with Ankh em MAAT V

  • Transmission and Receiver

    For each transmission, there must be a receiver. If the Construct holds the Matrix mindset, then who or what is broadcasting this mindset? What is its frequency? What within you responded to or located this frequency? Feel into your glands, organs, physical and etheric structure – what is receiving / responding to this signal? See sense feel the hardware, software and geometries that are entangled and engaged with this dynamic and from the embodiment of Essence, remove it – including all contracts agreements allowances, ancestral karmas and agreements, both conscious and unconsciously entered into all fine print, caveats, kill shots and consequences for removal are cancelled, null and void, invalidated for, in and of, all bodies and consciousness, all dimensions, all points in time on all timelines and time tracks and Lineages upgrade and regenerate with the optimum functioning blueprint from Essence with the antidote neutralize immunize of MU – regeneration rejuvenation of RA sovereignty in action, creating your own experience of the reality.

  • Visualisation vs Embodiment Emotion vs Feeling

    People throw around these words and concepts, but lets just break it down and sort the real from the no age bullshit Lets start with the latter... Emotion is a reaction triggered by your response to what the brain perceives. Be it a person, place, situation, it is a learned response that is built up over time and thus ‘programmed’. The same stimulus builds intensity so the emotional reaction can be triggered, engineered to elicit response and retort. (I go to my ‘happy place’, that makes me depressed’ etc) Visualisation is a function from the brain. Based on the boundaries and limitation of what has gone before, what we ‘know’ or have ‘seen’. It uses limited senses and is fuelled by emotional reaction, usually born of ‘want’ or ‘lack’. Feeling is a consciousness, a timeless knowing that holds depth and dimension, containing all possibilities Feeling has integrity, it is the origin of inspiration and is a direct communication from Essence (you all the way back to Source, the sum total of all your experience wisdom, all your ‘lives’ and incarnations) When you embody this feeling - ground it into and radiate it from every cell of your Being, you are now rocking the frequency to create an experience of reality that reflects that – as within so without Embodiment engages all the senses, and fuelled by feeling and unlimited possibilities, the scope of your desire has an opportunity to be fully realised – bigger and better than you could have ‘imagined’ using the limited scope of the brain. It may take a little practice to discern the difference between emotional reaction and feeling – sometimes old paradigms die hard, however it is an art and it can be mastered. Expect surprises! I have created an experiential to get you in to Essence, reclaiming your sovereignty, liberated from all encumbrances of embodying your creative power and rocking your innate juju This can be done online or in person here at Retreats Byron Bay, in private session or overnight stay. Message me to enquire #visualisation #embodiment #feelingsandemotion #juju #experientials #creationprincipals

  • 2020 Definitions, updates and offerings

    I am very exacting in language. It’s the only tool of communication we have until our INNER NET kicks in I notice a few of the words I use being employed in communication online, so Id like to give you clarity on the definitions I have when I use those words. These words have been curated over years of experience wisdom defining and transmitting precisely the desired meaning and application, I invite you to read them and see how they resonate for you ESSENCE: I use this describing YOU all the way back to Source All your incarnations, experiences wisdom gained both in and out of the Construct Think of Essence as the filing cabinet and each Dimension of Self (dreaming) as a file and you can have more than one file open and active at once. DIMENSIONS OF SELF AND DIMENSIONS OF DREAMING The Primary Dreamer is able to dream, power and sustain a reality. A primary dreamer of MU can create and dream more than one reality simultaneously; we call these Dimensions of Dreaming and the Self-experiencing it, a Dimension of Self (passed off in the Matrix as ‘past lives’ ‘timelines’ ‘reincarnation’) (The Matrix is the mindset of the Construct. The Construct is the structure that holds the Matrix) All the Dimensions of Self can be accessed through Essence (you, all the way back to Source) as you embody Essence; you have access to the gifts, talents, knowledge and experience wisdom of each and all of these Dimensions of Self and their Dreaming You can also liberate these expressions of Self of co-opts, imbalance, dysfunctional relationship dynamics, mirror inversion spells any and all fuckery that you are experiencing in that dreaming, is effecting you in the here and now LINEAGE Essence or Soul Lineage: is the Experience of you all the way back to Source. All your incarnations, all your expressions, experience wisdom, all the ‘lives’ in or out of the Matrix. Lineage Initiation: may be an initiation, training or teaching, into a Collective, because you can reach and maintain a specific mastery of frequency Eg: initiated into the Lineage/teachings/frequencies of the Sekhmets DNA Blood Lineage: the Lineage that your physical expression holds, the experience wisdom and ancestral karmas, contracts and connections that makes up your blood, DNA, skin hair etc IF you want to have an authentic experience of these things – I am available for sessions both online and in person in the Byron Bay hinterland  (we have a retreat facility here – you can stay over night and included in the package is a session If you want to embody Essence, liberate your memories, reclaiming your wisdom, sovereignty and creative power then there are other offerings available; either through EXPERIENTIALS: or RETREATS If you REALLY want to rock your world, then commit to Consciousness Warrior Training 4 modules all killer no filler of original and unique teachings each module is offered as a retreat experience and builds on the next ​ This is not for 'weekend warriors' It is for someone who is committed to Self, ready to take responsibility for their experience of reality And embody the opening seed of their infinite potential. The Dragon heals the original spell that separates Life Force and compartmentalises consciousness the following is how the rest of the modules fit together: There is an illness  / directive / fuckery released in to the Construct the Seer: identifies it / the virus / the program / the fuckery the Healer; eradicates it (From all dimensions of Self and Dreaming) the Warrior: reverse engineers and reprograms it (and can confer the updated codes to Lineage) IF any of this peaks your curiosity join my mailing list on either or and you will get a free PDF of the Mythos of MU all about our origins as I remember it or you can purchase Galactic Memoirs about how the reality came to be what it is, the players etc xxx V

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