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  • Psychic Warfare 101

    The subject of psychic warfare conjures concepts and images of a combative and subversive nature, with casualties involved … There are many ways to conquer a conquest and the most efficient and expedient in the game of war in my experience wisdom is through Consciousness Invasion. Drop the spoon fed Hollywood psy-op of what is ‘invasion’ (cause with respect, they are still struggling with the consciousness genre) but think of it in terms of subliminal co-opting of your belief systems to incite reaction and regulation for a specific agenda. It isn’t all voodoo dolls and energy balls all la Hogwarts, it can be as subtle and subversive as undermining currents in the social matrix to moderate trends and cultural zeitgeist to elicit programmed response, reaction and regulation. This is the beginning of a series of video blogs, vlogs (don’t you love it?) that talk about the latest we are seeing in the world of co-opting and influence, to undermine your understanding of Self and keep you distracted and subdued - ‘producing’ for the Farm that is harvesting the energy and resources of its most productive commodities – the human unit and Mother Earth… We will add to this playlist as more waves of fuckery are exposed. Its not to scare or limit you in any way, on the contrary, knowledge is power and this is something to empower you in reclaiming your Sovereignty and creating an experience of the Reality that is in integrity with your truth abundance and wisdom We are highlighting current trends in subversive sabotage of our Mastery and the Mastery of those we work with, and effective ways we are finding to counteract the deluge and stay connected to Centre. This PLAYLIST consists of: TRUSTING SELF AND ESSENCE • Connecting with Mother Earth is the best defence – Breath of Life • How to recognise when its from Essence or ‘the Soup’ • Chakra System co-opted… Soundscapes for healing within the body mind and spirit • Ancestral Karma, thinking outside the dogma UNLEARNING WHAT WE THINK WE KNOW • a neutral perspective to see what is, (the truth and integrity of it all) minus the interference the original codes of creation and experience, untouched, found in Essence • exposing false dogma : the illusion there is something wrong its not Light its not Dark – it just IS – truth ESSENCE CONNECTION EXPERIENTIAL • Essence defined and **Experiential Essence Connection • the New Hologram from Mother Earth • Plasma Beings show the way out through Involution • Trigger for Harvest or Trigger for Freedom UNLEARNING… Pleasure and Guilt • Setting up our sabotage programs to undermine our experience of the Reality • Guilt as the hidden price of Pleasure • Trigger for the Harvest or Trigger for Liberation more… HARVESTING 1 • Compromising consciousness through co-opting Teachings and manipulating Techniques for a desired output - to maintain control and harvesting of energy and resources by those behind the ‘knowledge distributor’ • Unlearning the dogma of the challenge, being ‘tested’ • Dreaming the dream minus F E A R • Abundance diverted to inadvertent contracts and agreements with co-opted ‘knowledge distributors’ HARVESTING 2 • Trigger for the Harvest or Trigger for Liberation more again… • Searching outside of the Self for answers can open you to manipulation by your shadow and other co-opting forces • correlating the common ‘infiltrations’ and ‘attachments’ aligned with different Schools or techniques of consciousness being evident in sessions NOW. EXPERIENCE WISDOM • Potentizing the Neutral TELL A VISION of REALITY • the manipulation of the cultural zeitgeist and social ‘norms’ to serve an agenda of manipulation, control and pushing boundaries to take us further away from our essential Self. The destruction of our traditional storytellers and replacing of them with ‘tell a vision’ – the mind fucking tool of the millennia that carries and brainwashes the Archon agenda… I LOVE to zone out and watch mindless crap on the box occasionally, but when that becomes your major source of information input – and lets face it’s insidious ability to be innocuously everywhere, anytime, what else is such an influence on shaping public wants and trends from all ages in every demographic – that’s another Shiznay… Be stimulated and inspired, we are! The reality is up for grabs – why not make it your version… See you in the dreaming Ankh em Maat **Essence Connect Instructions (back to basics) #PsychicWarfare101 #Unlearning #Harvesting #TellaVision #cooptedChakraSystem #EssenceConnectionExperiental #BreathofLife

  • Regenerating Teeth

    Necessity is the mother of invention and I have had to sink or swim with this teeth thing Determined to engage all consciousness and prevent conventional dental intervention, i have begun to regenerate and heal the health of my mouth teeth and gums - what a blast. I have been clearing and setting energy and this is my protocol... • Remove all shade and fuckery from other Selves and all agreements and contracts associated with it all points in time - flush with Essence • Remove all trauma from any intervention or augmentation (braces, dental, knocked out teeth, accidents etc) • Remove all False Light imprinting and memories and flush with Essence There may be a few passes needed for this step • Create a regenerating MerKaBa with the frequencies of regeneration of Diamond and Earth Gold feeding it with Essence to the stem cells with the fresh opened DNA blood to rock my teeth FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL TOOTH • LOVE it up – absolutely love that stem cell action and those teeth knowing they will be regenerating with opened DNA codes of Optimum Functioning Blueprint – with the Essence of Earth Gold and Diamond enhancing its form – constantly acknowledge and feed it/them All I can say is... its working CLICK HERE for a video talking about regenerating teeth CLICK HERE for the connection to ordering your own 'Spiritual Grill" #regeneratingteethandthespiritualgrill

  • Dream State Programming

    Dream State Programming - Awareness and Autonomy in all states of consciousness… As we ‘switch channels’ and fall into ‘sleep’, another sentient perception engages. For some it is a download upload reload of the day, processing the excess data and information that the ‘day’ has collected and imprinted upon an over stimulated nervous system. For others, it is a place of freedom, where the Spirit gets to express unfettered. Where ‘dreaming’ creates realities opening us up to insight as to how the symphony of the weft and weave entangle with this time/space/continuum creating a backdrop for us to experience this adventure in consciousness, in a full multisensory download. Just how ‘safe’ and ‘consequence free’ is this multidimensional playground. This wonderland has a cornucopia of ‘Beings’ that frequent these planes of existence, and like waking life; there can be a variety of wolves in sheep’s clothing. False Light technology is classic Archon fuckery… False Light is self explanatory – False as in trickery, deception and misdirection, Light as information. They can appear in many guises, for example: The ’Angel’ that acts like a thinly disguised thug, demanding and bullying in their quest for dominance and commitment to the continuation of their fiction, playing on your guilt blame and shame to elicit unquestioning devotion and obedience. There can be the ‘Saint’ or False Light Being who has contracted you into sending your regenerating energy to them instead of you. Other expressions of Self who can connect with your consciousness in this state and transfer karmic debt and other debt inducing nasties to keep you swimming in shit that isn’t even of your own creation. Remote Viewing or just plain multidimensional parasites who can hook into you and send you thought forms that incite reaction and then have them in a feeding frenzy over the coming day, keeping you tired, confused and locked into self defeating patterns of behaviour. On waking you feel drained, unrested and almost haunted by lingering emotional states without context. Not the way one wants to start ones’ day… So before retiring, attend to some dream state programming to counteract the bedtime blues. Allow me to share my current play list… Rescind cancel void any contracts agreement or allowances you have made with any False Light Beings or Technology, consciously or unconsciously in any dimension or dreaming state, on any timeline in any universe. You are invisible, undetectable, and untraceable to these Beings and any of their agents during all states of consciousness. Use your Dreaming for personal healing and recalibration. Your dreaming energy can be spent in regeneration and renewal of the mind body and spirit. Connect with your Soul Lineage to learn, remember and restore your original Light Codes and any healing and memories will be transmitted and assimilated with joy grace and ease If you want to connect with another sentience during the night, be sure to state the request. It may be a family member you want to send love to, or another you want to clear the air with, a teacher or teaching you want to understand and experience. It may be something, someone or somewhere you want information on, knowing that during your sleeping you are accessing all the different parts of yourself that has the knowledge and know how, unfettered by limitation and logic, observing un-entangled and in a neutral nonreactive perspective. Ask to connect with you future Self, for guidance and the benefit of hindsight. Get creative and become proactive, make your dreaming as productive as your waking. CLICK HERE for companion VLOG Ankh em Maat #dreamstateprogramming #FalseLightTechnology #dreamstatehealing #programmingindreamstate

  • 'The Bartzis' story

    12th May - finished 7 hours of metaphysical discussion and shooting the shiznay with Andrew Bartzis, the Galactic Historian and his co-presenter Natalie I am now integrating, exploding with cognition perspective and new possibility - it's a rush! I am humbled and also inspired to honor that gift by stepping into my A Game and rockin this reality to liberation sovereignty and the potential of the unknown and untried Natalie - an amazing presence - you have to be formidable to hold space next to something that is 'the Bartzis' I absolutely applaud your fabulous ness and look forward to creating some 'unpredictability' in a few dimensions to keep the system guessing... CLICK to link to a playlist of videos that were the following day or two of integration and assimilation. CLICK to link to the original reading in March 2015 #andrewbartzis #galactichistorian

  • Self Sabotage

    Why why why we lament – we have come so far to be tripped up again by the most insidious of my failings! I thought I worked through that… Humbling when it happens and a true test of how your consciousness is progressing in the evolution of experience. An addiction (a behaviour or habitual patterning that is entered into both consciously and unconsciously) is triggered when particular frequencies come ‘online’ in the bio-computer that is the body mind spirit. How it is triggered can be from an inside or outside force, your reaction and subsequent behaviour is entirely an inside job. So what is the belief we have about our Selves that holds this trigger in place, that when stimulated, it kicks into gear a programming that runs on a loop, keeping you in a holding pattern, engaged in the old dynamic instead of embracing the new and NOW. If your pattern of sabotage is indulgence in food, what triggered the binge? If it’s bad relationship choices, what fear or self belief is colouring your judgement, falling back into old behaviours that carry regret, guilt, blame and shame? Coulda Shoulda Woulda… What sent you into the emotional state of helplessness, fear or anxiety, into the behaviour that masks or assists in the coping with the disconnection from your sovereignty, connection with and trust in your Source, your Essence**? What is the belief that you have about yourself that magnetized this experience? Where is the belief within you, that you are powerless, unable to create what you need, unworthy of having your needs met – connect with the feeling – where does it come from, neutralise it, pull it out, whatever you do to have it no longer in your field and flush with Essence. Cancel, void, revoke any agreements contracts etc that held it in place and make your energy Invisible undetectable untraceable to that frequency for all points in time. (A permanent MerKaBa activated from within the dimension of Heart that is the Sacred Neutral perspective is recommended for that step) Mastery is something one does and the discipline to stay in the Sacred Neutral and create your Bliss is up to you Click Here to a set of Videos on Self Sabotage I applaud and appreciate Tereza's vulnerability and courage to share her experience as an example for others who may be feeling self sabotage is their glitch in the Matrix right now... Ankh em Maat ** Essence is your sum total of Soul experience, all bodies all dimensions all points in time - all of You, all the way back to Source #SelfSabotage #MasteryisaVerb #BeingvsDoing #TheTruthoftheIllusion

  • Portals are the new Black

    CLICK HERE for a set of 7 short videos on PORTALS... #MerKaBa #PsychicPower #SOMA #CreatingPortals #RHNegativeBlood

  • Concern for C.E.R.N

    Yes and No When you are in the Sacred Neutral perspective and operating as a Sovereign Integral you are immune… Its your belief system that is being manipulated. Whoever is running the belief system is in control. If ‘they’ control your belief system then ‘they’ control you and your experience of the Reality. Connecting with **Essence, and flooding the Being, body mind and spirit with your Essence frequency will tip the scales and disrupt the status quo. It will override any implants, overlays, GMO hormonal disruption, killshots the lot. When you are embodying Essence at a quantum percentage of 50%+, the Essence becomes the overriding dominant force – if is a chance for you to rewrite your experience of the Reality, with your belief systems running the show. Your kung fu is stronger. Discernment to be connected to your truth not spoon-fed dogma is now more vital than ever. Being connected to your truth and who you really are is a path to this liberation. CERN is not to be feared but to be seen as a chance to move through the illusion of fuckery this experience of Reality has become and shed the shackles of this false representation of how things are. Embody your Essence, claim your Sovereignty and align with the integrity of who you really are and what you are capable of – limitless creative potential which is now harnessed for your Self and Essence agendas, no longer for the parasitic ‘powers that will not be for much longer’ who have been living off our programmed fear and limitation for far too long now. However you get there will be your path and journey and unique as you are individual. As far as a guide, anyone who is connected to the truth and in their integrity will all be saying the same thing – in their own language and with their own techniques. Find who brings out the best in you, who clicks for you and has an accessible inner technology that floats your boat and you feel results with. Its ok to take some from somewhere and something from somewhere else – it has to be a truth for you, it has to align with your integrity, your Sovereign Integral Self. At the Veras Mystery School, we have the LightCodes, that’s how we roll, this may resonate for you or not - just stay with the feeling and see what makes you tingle as a truth - just go for it! Ankh em Maat ** Essence is your sum total of Soul experience, all bodies all dimensions all points in time - all of You, all the way back to Source CLICK HERE for a set of videos on Concern for C.E.R.N. #concernforCERN #sovereignty #discernment

  • The Cosmology of the Moon

    Astrologically, the Moon in your chart is indicative of your emotional nourishment and expression, the Sun sign, position and aspects, flavours that expression. Cosmologically, The moon is a reflector - it's illumination reflecting the radiance of the Sun, the Light Codes, the Essence of RA. Emotionally, the Moon reflects the state of the Ego or how the Sun is operating in our chart. Its equilibrium and effectiveness dependant on the illumination from the Sun, its Light Codes reflecting off the supplicant Moon as it moves through the sky across the influence of the stars or constellations interpreted through the wisdom of the Zodiac The Moon, in its capacity as a reflector, would normally reflect the Codes of RA emanating from the ‘Sun’. However, it has been hijacked and distorted to reflect the polarity of the reflection, rather than the fullness and celebration of it. Who or what hijacked it is unimportant - details of distraction. What is important is the restoration of the optimum functioning blueprint, free of all manipulation and fuckery to reflect the original LightCodes, cyphers of Light and Sound, housing DNA wisdom and creation knowledge that is our birthright unencumbered. Equinox Energy 21/22nd March… Use this time of the waxing Moon to its full expression April 4th for recommitment to Self and ignite your potential in this I AM presence incarnation for full multidimensional Self connection and expression in this timeline/time/space/continuum From the Heart Sphere consciousness, merging with the Sacred Neutral non reactive perspective, embrace and shed the old paradigms and outdated coding and programs for all bodies, and dimensions, all points in time /timelines replacing with new upgraded ‘software’ that more reflects your understanding of the moment of NOW, embodying your sovereign liberated multidimensional Self in integrity within your perception and expression of the Reality in this physical expression. The final pass of Pluto/Uranus square is the last coal on the fire to ignite you through the darkest densest frequencies to the fluidity and grace of the flow of Essence embodied When is NOW the right time to commit to Self and your creative power within this experience? Go hard or go home – or more accurately, this is the end game, the moment counts, engage it, don’t hesitate or procrastinate, be the change you want by embodying the upgrade, the refined frequency and allow yourself limitless success. If you start to experience lots of Déjà vu – then you are absolutely on the right track. Déjà vu - it's not re-living a moment - Thats false dogma - it's total alignment with the Essence absolutely in the centre of NOW – you have felt that before, that is the familiarity - direct Essence embodiment and integrity of purpose – sovereign liberated and consciously harnessing the power of creation. Not a glitch in the Matrix, or another version of your experience colliding with yours, but a sign you are drawing on your Source, in the flow of conscious co- creation with All that Is, in the exact moment of NOW, living your truth Suggestion to harness the energies and enhance the experience: Mind full ness Engage each moment and every movement with conscious awareness and attune to the many layers of experience each point can hold – the richness of the moment. Returning the Sacred to every interaction with the physical realm, activating all the senses to honour every element that makes up the moment of NOW Breathing and breath, the rhythmic flow of the inhalation, exhalation and the no time in between, opening to the vastness of Life hidden within the Light spectrum beyond the rainbow and 3D sight and its effect on your mind body spirit. You are the author of this unfolding – be unafraid to claim to your joy, rejuvenation and sovereign liberty, see you in the dreaming Ankh em Ma’at. CLICK HERE for a ink to a short video on mindfullness and motivation... #EquinoxEnergy #April4thFullMoon #Dejavu #minduflnessandmotivation

  • Potent Power Packed Portals

    MABON • EQUINOX • ECLIPSES March 21-22 Power Packed Portals to rock your world and propel you into the new the light wanes as the dark readies its cocoon of transformation The Autumn Equinox divides the day and night equally The New Moon begins the Astrological Year with a total Solar Eclipse Release what no longer defines you, embodying the expression of your authentic Self PLUTO square URANUS - last pass - so use the explosive power to rock your world and turbo charge your directives with potency and Fire. Frankly, if you are not making quantum leaps - you are playing at this consciousness thing... If its all too much for the human unit, CLICK HERE for info on a Private Session Ankh em Ma’at #programmingcrystals #Equinox #PlutosquareUranus #powerpackedportals

  • Programming Crystals

    My method is to engage my *Essence and then connect with the Essence of the Crystal and then I merge what I want with the Crystals’ energy and open the frequency to include it, and see sense and feel the together creation - often I will then create and program a **MerKaBa with this Essence with what I want - merging our Hearts and etheric spines. As you complete the programming hold the energy and ‘cut’ it in to the crystal - nick it so it’s in the matrix of the physical crystalline grid. Machine Cut Crystals Whoever cuts the crystal, programs the crystal, when the crystal is machine cut, most often, it has had the ‘Soul’, Essence or Deva of it removed, traumatized sedated or enslaved. To renew, revive and use the Crystal, create the experience of RaMuTet within, engaging the Earth Sphere to open a portal to the Elemental Realms, where you can create or invite a new Essence or Deva to inhabit the crystal structure. I have found this to be particularly effective with reviving machine cut crystals. In my experience… In the Crystal pictured, I used the above method, with the intention to create an amplifier to open and enhance the connection with the Elemental Realms. Soon after the RaMuTet was pumping, engaging the Earth Sphere, I opened to the Elemental Realm and a frequency came to me that held the ability for that amplification. The Essence of the Frequency was excited to come into this realm and be housed in this crystalline structure, so the rest was a celebration in Union and refined consciousness and the transition into the new housing of the Crystal effortless. I use the crystal with people who want to ‘see’. When aligned with and attuned to the Deva of the Crystal, communion with the frequency opens your ‘Third Eye’ to the Elemental Realms so you can see and interact with it. The final step is to remove all contracts agreements etc you have in place that prevent you from ‘seeing’ everything. Any fears or consequences of having the ‘second sight’, any ancestral agreements or karmas holding the barrier in place Click HERE for a video Link to RaMuTet Click HERE for a Link to more info on Contracts * Essence is your sum total of Soul experience, all bodies all dimensions all points in time - all of You, all the way back to Source **MerKaBa: a counter-rotating field of electro-magnetic Light that moves through Realities, interprets Realities and creates Realties. Ankh em Ma’at #programmingcrystals #Crystals #RaMuTet

  • Contracts

    Its seems every dick and their dog is bringing up contracts at the moment – and its for a valid reason When you clear energy or make decisions about something and change doesn’t happen, check there are not any contracts maintaining the status quo and keeping you in limitation. I think this is why so many great healings don’t hold. You need to remove the lynchpin holding the dynamic in place. Many of these agreements have been put in place unconsciously, or be running with concurrent time tracks effecting you in the here and now, they could be fine print or caveats on existing contracts, so it may not always be so obvious at first, A suggestion and recommendation for when you are clearing energy or bringing balance to a situation, add the following to your protocol: All contracts agreements allowances, ancestral karmas and agreements, both conscious and unconsciously entered into; all fine print, caveats and additions or changes made from alterations to existing contract and agreements are cancelled, null and void, invalidated for, in and of, all bodies and consciousness, all dimensions, all points in time on all timelines and time tracks Make your own words that resonates for you and your experience, some people add Universes, but really it’s the feeling which you put into the words that matters most – and that feeling should be neutral and non reactive, just observing and making the change from that place, trusting that all the loose ends will be tied up and resolved and you can now make a choice, a conscious free will choice from a state of empowerment, sovereignty and neutrality that has resulted from the liberation of limitation. Finally you are running the show, in charge of your energy and your actions. You are designing your experience of the Reality. Your energy, focus and success all are nourishing you and your creations, nothing or no one else. Contracts I have worked with - first and foremost, between Family, friends, associates and places. - taking on their fears, denials, karmas, dogmas, guilt, ancestral servitude or being entwined in the dynamics and consequences of it all. In night time dreaming, all contracts etc. with Beings who are working with ‘false Light’ – not all white Light is ‘white’, really attune to the frequency with discernment, its time for you to explore and discover your own truth, not what has become dogma, often instilled by those whose interests and agendas are to obscure the truth and keep you constrained. Situations where I have agreed or contracted to allow the harvesting of my Energy and Success to people, places, situations, deities, social constructs and institutions (that was monumental that one!) Contracts with my Self that have kept me in limitation and doubt - when those began to fall the Self love and acceptance that flooded my Being and enriched my experience was everything I had previously understood as a concept now made tangible in my interpretation of and participation in the Reality. It has upgraded my relationships to a place of honesty, mutual respect and appreciation; opened codes in my physical body for amazing regeneration and rejuvenation. Everything seems to carry a sense of magic, beauty, truth, love, harmony and peace. I am feeling a sense of purpose and achievement, with a deeper trust, fortification and security unfolding in my experience – living the dream baby - or more accurately living MY dream. Whenever something feels forced, against your truth or just wrong, remember the contracts etc protocol as a possible avenue to liberation - change the dynamic and open to your sovereign free will choice, aligned with your Essence and in integrity with your Self. Ankh em Ma’at #ContractsLiberationDreamingtheDreami

  • New Moon in Aquarius

    This super Moon is a chance to harness the Fire within and experience the Sacred Neutral in our creation aspect. Aquarius the idealist, so many ideas and concepts able to be pulled from the ethers, needing the fire of passion to fertilise the seed and ignite the purpose, grounding the creation into tangible Being, bringing to fruition new and unique exciting potentials. Tonight at 11.59pm Australian Eastern Standard Time harness that fire and ignite the flame in your heart sphere, daring to dream without limits. If you encounter resistance in the mental constructs of trying to figure out how it will happen, breathe that fire into it, charged with the flame in your heart. Rather than focusing on the details, enhance the feeling in the Heart Sphere and leave the alchemy to the weft and weave of the dance of life. From that space of trust, complete surrender to the power of the Heart, you are creating in the paradigm of the Sacred Neutral. In a polarised world, which is interpreted from your Brain, a polarised instrument, if you create in ‘Light’, you will have the equal and opposite in the manifestation of the ‘Dark’. When you take the focus of interpretation to the Heart Sphere, an instrument of Unity, accessed and activated by feeling, you can reach a place of compassion, encompassing ‘both’ sides of the story. From this place you are creating your experience free from polarity, all is accepted, all has its place. You are non reactive and radiating from that frequency, trusting all is for your highest expression, your **Essence, tangible in the Fire that has been igniting this quest has your back and will not entangle you with karma or consequences that creating within the paradigms of polarity can generate. ** Essence is your sum total of Soul experience; all bodies all dimensions all points in time - all of You, all the way back to Source Dream the Dream as far and as vast as you dare, unlimited, completely new. Emancipated of prior habitual mental sabotage or emotional reaction tainting your perception and colouring your experience of the Reality. Focus on the feeling in the Heart Sphere, oscillating the elixir of appreciation, passion, ecstasy and regeneration through all your Bodies, nourishing every cell and the electromagnetic field around you in which your are manifesting your experience of Reality. Enhance it with breath and prana into the centre of the Sphere, feeling that Fire radiating Source energy, opening to more excitement, joy and bliss, breathing into the colour and texture of that feeling. The Reality will hold and reflect that experience to you. Embody the Essence that you are, honour your Self and your journey, opening to the next expression of NOW and make no compromises in your expression. Its time to believe your own publicity. Ankh em Ma’at Original art by Vicki Veranese #newmooninaquariuscreatinginthesacredneutral

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