12th May - finished 7 hours of metaphysical discussion and shooting the shiznay with Andrew Bartzis, the Galactic Historian and his co-presenter Natalie
I am now integrating, exploding with cognition perspective and new possibility - it's a rush!
I am humbled and also inspired to honor that gift by stepping into my A Game and rockin this reality to liberation sovereignty and the potential of the unknown and untried
Natalie - an amazing presence - you have to be formidable to hold space next to something that is 'the Bartzis' I absolutely applaud your fabulous ness and look forward to creating some 'unpredictability' in a few dimensions to keep the system guessing...
CLICK to link to a playlist of videos that were the following day or two of integration and assimilation.
CLICK to link to the original reading in March 2015